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feeling of self-worth

  • 1 self

    self [self]
    1. noun
    (plural selves)
    self-appointed adjective [expert] soi-disant ; [leader] autoproclamé
    self-catering adjective [flat] indépendant (avec cuisine) ; [holiday] en location
    self-conscious adjective ( = shy) [person, manner] emprunté ; ( = aware of oneself or itself) [art, person, political movement] conscient (de son image)
    to be self-conscious about sth être gêné par qch self-consciously adverb ( = shyly) de façon empruntée ; ( = deliberately) volontairement
    self-consciousness noun ( = shyness) gêne f ; ( = awareness) conscience f (de son image)
    self-contained adjective [person] indépendant ; (British) [flat] indépendant
    self-contradictory adjective [text] contradictoire ; [person] qui se contredit
    self-controlled adjective maître ( maîtresse f) de soi
    [device, program] autodestructeur (- trice f)
    self-destructive adjective [behaviour] autodestructeur (- trice f)
    to have low/high self-esteem avoir une mauvaise/bonne opinion de soi-même self-evident adjective évident
    self-examination noun examen m de conscience ; [of breasts, testicles] autopalpation f
    self-imposed adjective librement choisi ; [exile] volontaire
    self-satisfied adjective [person] content de soi ; [smile] suffisant
    self-service shop/restaurant magasin m/restaurant m en libre-service
    * * *
    noun (pl selves)
    1) gen, Psychology moi m

    one's better self — le meilleur de soi/de lui/d'elle etc

    2) Finance ( on cheque) moi-même

    English-French dictionary > self

  • 2 самооценка

    1) General subject: auto-evaluation (напр., students can develop auto-evaluation skills), self appraisal, self concept, self conception, self judgment, self rating, self-concept, self-esteem
    3) Colloquial: self-worth
    5) Business: self-certification
    6) Aviation medicine: self-conception, self-rating (личности), subjective selfless (субъективная)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > самооценка

  • 3 sense

    1. noun
    1) (faculty of perception) Sinn, der

    sense of smell/touch/taste — Geruchs-/Tast-/Geschmackssinn, der

    2) in pl. (normal state of mind) Verstand, der

    have taken leave of one's sensesden Verstand verloren haben

    3) (consciousness) Gefühl, das

    sense of responsibility/guilt — Verantwortungs-/Schuldgefühl, das

    out of a sense of dutyaus Pflichtgefühl

    4) (practical wisdom) Verstand, der

    there's a lot of sense in what he's sayingwas er sagt, klingt sehr vernünftig

    have the sense to do somethingso vernünftig sein, etwas zu tun

    what is the sense of or in doing that? — was hat man davon od. wozu soll es gut sein, das zu tun?

    make somebody see sense — jemanden zur Vernunft bringen; see also academic.ru/14644/common_sense">common sense; good I 1.

    5) (meaning) Sinn, der; (of word) Bedeutung, die

    in the strict or literal sense — im strengen od. wörtlichen Sinn

    in every sense [of the word] — in jeder Hinsicht

    in a or one sense — in gewisser Hinsicht od. Weise

    it does not make sense to do thates ist Unsinn od. unvernünftig, das zu tun

    it makes [a lot of] sense — (is [very] reasonable) es ist [sehr] sinnvoll

    2. transitive verb
    spüren; [Tier:] wittern
    * * *
    [sens] 1. noun
    1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) der Sinn
    2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) das Gefühl
    3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) der Sinn
    4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) der Verstand
    5) (a meaning (of a word).) der Sinn
    6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) der Sinn
    2. verb
    (to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) fühlen
    - senseless
    - senselessly
    - senselessness
    - senses
    - sixth sense
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (judgement) Verstand m
    I hope they'll have the [good] \sense to shut the windows before they leave ich hoffe, sie sind so klug, die Fenster zu schließen, bevor sie gehen
    to make [good] \sense sinnvoll sein
    planning so far ahead makes no \sense es hat keinen Sinn, so weit im Voraus zu planen
    to see the \sense in sth den Sinn in etw dat sehen
    to talk \sense sich akk verständlich ausdrücken
    there's no \sense in doing sth es hat keinen Sinn, etw zu tun
    there's no \sense in waiting es ist zwecklos zu warten
    2. (reason)
    one's \senses pl jds gesunder Menschenverstand
    it's time you came to your \senses es wird Zeit, dass du zur Vernunft kommst
    to bring sb to their \senses jdn zur Vernunft bringen
    to take leave of one's \senses den Verstand verlieren
    3. (faculty) Sinn m
    \sense of hearing Gehör nt
    \sense of sight Sehvermögen nt
    \sense of smell/taste/touch Geruchs-/Geschmacks-/Tastsinn m
    the five \senses die fünf Sinne
    sixth \sense sechster Sinn
    4. (feeling) Gefühl nt
    did you get any \sense of how they might react? kannst du dir irgendwie denken, wie sie reagieren werden?
    to have a \sense that... das Gefühl haben, dass...
    I had a sudden \sense that I was needed at home ich spürte auf einmal, dass ich zu Hause gebraucht wurde
    \sense of beauty Schönheitssinn m
    \sense of belonging Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl nt
    \sense of direction Orientierungssinn m
    \sense of duty Pflichtgefühl nt
    \sense of justice/reality Gerechtigkeits-/Realitätssinn m
    a \sense of security ein Gefühl nt der Sicherheit
    a \sense of social responsibility ein Gefühl nt für soziale Verantwortung
    \sense of time Zeitgefühl nt
    5. (meaning) Bedeutung f, Sinn m
    she's pretty hot, in more \senses than one sie ist ganz schön heiß, in mehr als einer Hinsicht
    the broad/narrow \sense of a word/term die weite/enge Bedeutung eines Wortes/Begriffes
    in the broad[est] \sense of the term im weitesten Sinne des Wortes
    figurative/literal \sense übertragene/wörtliche [o ursprüngliche] Bedeutung
    to make \sense einen Sinn ergeben
    this passage doesn't make \sense diese Passage ist unverständlich
    to make \sense [out] of sth sich dat auf etw akk einen Reim machen
    I've read the letter twice, but I can't make any \sense of it ich habe den Brief zweimal gelesen, aber ich kann mir keinen Reim darauf machen
    6. (way) Art f
    in a \sense in gewisser Weise
    we are in no \sense obliged to agree to this wir sind in keiner Weise verpflichtet, dem zuzustimmen
    in every \sense in jeder Hinsicht
    to have a \sense of fun Spaß verstehen können
    it was just a jokewhere's your \sense of fun? das war doch nur ein Scherz — verstehst du keinen Spaß?
    to have a \sense of humour Sinn für Humor haben
    \sense of helix MATH Schraubensinn m
    \sense of rotation TECH Drehrichtung f, Drehsinn m
    II. vt
    to \sense sb/sth jdn/etw wahrnehmen
    to \sense that... spüren, dass...
    he \sensed that his guests were bored er spürte, dass seine Gäste sich langweilten
    could you \sense what was likely to happen? hattest du eine Ahnung von dem, was passieren konnte?
    to \sense sth COMPUT etw prüfen
    to \sense sb's anger jds Wut spüren
    to \sense danger Gefahr wittern
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (bodily) Sinn m

    sense of hearingGehörsinn m, Gehör nt

    2) pl (= right mind) Verstand m

    no man in his senses... — kein einigermaßen vernünftiger Mensch...

    to frighten sb out of his senses —

    his senses were deranged by... — er war durch... völlig verstört

    to come to one's senses — zur Vernunft or Besinnung kommen, Vernunft annehmen

    3) (= feeling) Gefühl nt

    a sense of occasion — das Gefühl, dass etwas Besonderes stattfindet

    4) (= instinct, appreciation) Sinn m

    his sense for what is appropriatesein Gefühl nt or Gespür nt dafür, was angebracht ist

    /justice — Farben-/Gerechtigkeitssinn m


    (= good sense) (common) sense — gesunder Menschenverstand

    haven't you sense enough or enough sense to stop when you're tired? — bist du nicht vernünftig genug aufzuhören, wenn du müde bist?

    he had the (good) sense to... — er war so vernünftig or klug or gescheit und...

    you should have had more sense than to... — du hättest vernünftiger sein sollen und nicht...

    there is no sense in that — das hat keinen Sinn, es ist zwecklos

    there's a lot of sense in that — das hat Hand und Fuß, das ist ganz vernünftig

    what's the sense of or in doing this? — welchen Sinn hat es denn, das zu tun?

    there is no sense in doing that — es ist zwecklos or sinnlos, das zu tun

    there's some sense in what he says — was er sagt, ist ganz vernünftig

    there's some sense in doing that — es wäre ganz vernünftig, das zu tun


    it doesn't make sense doing it that way/spending or to spend all that money —

    why did he decide that? – I don't know, it doesn't make sense — warum hat er das beschlossen? – ich weiß es nicht, es ist mir unverständlich or es macht keinen Sinn

    it makes good financial/political sense to... — aus finanzieller/politischer Sicht gesehen ist es sehr vernünftig, zu...

    he/his theory doesn't make sense — er/seine Theorie ist völlig unverständlich

    it all makes sense now —

    it doesn't make sense, the jewels were there a minute ago — das ist ganz unverständlich, die Juwelen waren doch eben noch da

    to make sense of sth — etw verstehen, aus etw schlau werden (inf)

    you're not making sense (in explaining sth, in plans, intentions etc) — das ist doch Unsinn; (in behaviour, attitude) ich werde aus Ihnen nicht schlau (inf)

    now you're making sense (in explaining sth) — jetzt verstehe ich, was Sie meinen; (in plans, intentions etc) das ist endlich eine vernünftige Idee

    7) (= meaning) Sinn m no pl

    it has three distinct senses —


    (= way, respect) in a sense — in gewisser Hinsicht, gewissermaßen

    in what sense? —

    2. vt
    fühlen, spüren

    I could sense someone there in the dark — ich fühlte or spürte, dass da jemand in der Dunkelheit war

    * * *
    sense [sens]
    A s
    1. Sinn m, Sinnesorgan n:
    sense of hearing (sight, smell, taste, touch) Gehör-(Gesichts-, Geruchs-, Geschmacks-, Tast)sinn;
    I’ve lost my sense of taste ich schmecke nichts mehr; sixth A 1
    2. pl Sinne pl, (klarer) Verstand:
    in (out of) one’s senses bei (von) Sinnen;
    lose ( oder take leave of) one’s senses den Verstand verlieren;
    bring sb to their senses jemanden wieder zur Besinnung bringen;
    recover ( oder come to) one’s senses wieder zur Besinnung oder Vernunft kommen
    3. fig Vernunft f, Verstand m:
    a man of sense ein vernünftiger oder kluger Mensch;
    have the sense to do sth so klug sein, etwas zu tun;
    do have some sense! sei doch vernünftig!; common sense
    4. Sinne pl, Empfindungsvermögen n
    5. Gefühl n:
    a) Empfindung f (of für):
    sense of achievement Erfolgserlebnis n;
    sense of pain Schmerzgefühl;
    sense of security Gefühl der Sicherheit; frustration 5 b, 5 c, 5 d, outrage A 3, well-being 2
    b) Ahnung f, unbestimmtes Gefühl
    6. Sinn m, Gefühl n ( beide:
    of für):
    sense of balance Gleichgewichtssinn, -empfinden n, -gefühl;
    sense of beauty Schönheitssinn;
    sense of decency ( oder decorum) Anstand(sgefühl) m(n);
    sense of duty Pflichtbewusstsein n, -gefühl;
    a keen sense of justice ein ausgeprägter Gerechtigkeitssinn;
    sense of responsibility Verantwortungsgefühl, -bewusstsein n;
    sense of shame Schamgefühl;
    7. Sinn m, Bedeutung f:
    in every sense in jeder Hinsicht;
    in a sense in gewissem Sinne;
    in the good and in the bad sense im guten wie im bösen oder schlechten Sinn
    8. Sinn m, (etwas) Vernünftiges:
    what is the sense of doing this? was hat es für einen Sinn, das zu tun?;
    is there a sense in which …? könnte man vielleicht sagen, dass …?;
    it makes sense es macht Sinn, es hat Hand und Fuß, es klingt plausibel;
    it does not make sense es hat oder macht keinen Sinn;
    I could make no sense of it ich konnte mir darauf keinen Reim machen;
    talk sense vernünftig reden
    9. ( besonders allgemeine) Ansicht, Meinung f, Auffassung f:
    take the sense of the meeting die Meinung der Versammlung einholen
    10. MATH Richtung f:
    sense of rotation Drehsinn m
    11. Funkpeilung: (Peil)Seite f
    B v/t
    1. empfinden, fühlen, spüren, ahnen
    2. IT
    a) abtasten
    b) abfragen
    3. besonders US umg kapieren
    * * *
    1. noun

    sense of smell/touch/taste — Geruchs-/Tast-/Geschmackssinn, der

    2) in pl. (normal state of mind) Verstand, der
    3) (consciousness) Gefühl, das

    sense of responsibility/guilt — Verantwortungs-/Schuldgefühl, das

    4) (practical wisdom) Verstand, der

    there's a lot of sense in what he's saying — was er sagt, klingt sehr vernünftig

    have the sense to do something — so vernünftig sein, etwas zu tun

    what is the sense of or in doing that? — was hat man davon od. wozu soll es gut sein, das zu tun?

    make somebody see sense — jemanden zur Vernunft bringen; see also common sense; good I 1.

    5) (meaning) Sinn, der; (of word) Bedeutung, die

    in the strict or literal sense — im strengen od. wörtlichen Sinn

    in every sense [of the word] — in jeder Hinsicht

    in a or one sense — in gewisser Hinsicht od. Weise

    it does not make sense to do thates ist Unsinn od. unvernünftig, das zu tun

    it makes [a lot of] sense — (is [very] reasonable) es ist [sehr] sinnvoll

    2. transitive verb
    spüren; [Tier:] wittern
    * * *
    Empfindung f.
    Gefühl -e n.
    Sinn -e m.
    Verstand -¨e m.
    Wahrnehmung f. v.
    abfühlen v.
    abtasten v.
    empfinden v.
    fühlen v.
    wahrnehmen v.

    English-german dictionary > sense


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
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    859. Wallace, E. R. (1983) Freud and Anthropology. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    860. Wallerstein, R. Reality. PMC. Forthcoming.
    861. Wallerstein, R. (1965) The goals of psychoanalysis. JAPA, 13.
    862. Wallerstein, R. (1975) Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    863. Wallerstein, R. (1983) Defenses, defense mechanisms and the structure of the mind. JAPA, 31 (suppl.).
    864. Wallerstein, R. (1988) One psychoanalysis or many? IJP, 69.
    865. Wangh, M. (1979) Some psychoanalytic observations on boredom. IJP, 60.
    866. Weinshel, E. M. (1968) Some psychoanalytic considerations on moods. IJP, 51.
    867. Weinshel, E. M. (1971) The ego in health and normality. JAPA, 18.
    868. Weisman, A. D. (1972) On Dying and Denying. New York: Behavioral Publications.
    869. Weinstock, H. J. (1962) Successful treatment of ulcerative colitis by psychoanalysis. Brit. J. Psychoanal. Res., 6.
    870. Welmore, R. J. (1963) The role of grief in psychoanalysis. IJP. 44.
    871. Werner, H. & Kaplan, B. (1984) Symbol Formation. Hillsdale N. J.: Lawrence Eribaum.
    872. White. R. W. (1963) Ego and Reality in Psychoanalytic Theory. Psychol. Issues, 3.
    873. Whitman, R. M. (1963) Remembering and forgetting dreams in psychoanalysis. JAPA, 11.
    874. Wiedeman, G. Sexuality. PMC. Forthcoming.
    875. Wiedeman, G. (1962) Survey of psychoanalytic literature on overt male homosexuality. JAPA, 10.
    876. Wieder, H. (1966) Intellectuality. PSOC, 21.
    877. Wieder, H. (1978) The psychoanalytic treatment of preadolescents In Child Analysis and Therapy, ed. J. Glenn. New York Aronson.
    878. Willick, M. S. Defense. PMC. Forthcoming.
    879. Wilson, C. P. (1967) Stone as a symbol of teeth. PQ, 36.
    880. Wilson, C. P Hohan, C. & Mintz, I. (1983) Fear of Being Fat. New York: Aronson.
    881. Wilson, C. P. S Mintz, I. (1982) Abstaining and bulimic anorexics. Primary Care, 9.
    882. Wilson, E. O. (1978) On Human Nature. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.
    883. Winnicott, C. (1978) D. W. W.: a reflection. In: Between Reality and Fantasy. New York: Jason Aronson.
    884. Winnicott, D. W. (1953) Transitional object and transitional phenomena. In: Collected Papers. New York Basic Books, 1958.
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    887. Winnicott, D. W. (1960) Ego distortions in terms of true and false self. In: The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. New York: Int. Univ. Press, 1965.
    888. Winnicott, D. W. (1960) The theory of the parent-infant relationship. In: Winnicott (1965).
    889. Winnicott, D. W. (1965) The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    890. Winnicott, D. W. (1971) Playing and Reality. New York: Basic Books.
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    892. Winnicott, D. W. (1977) The Piggle. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
    893. Winson, J. (1985) Brain and Psyche. New York: Anchor Press.
    894. Wolf, E. S. (1976) Ambience and abstinence. Annu. Psycho-anal., 4.
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    896. Wolf, E. S. (1983) Empathy and countertransference. In: The Future of Psychoanalysis, ed. A. Coldberg. New York: Int. Univ. Press.
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    900. Wolfenstein, M. (1966) How is mourning possible? PSOC, 21.
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    902. Wolpert, E. A. (1980) Major affective disorders. In: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, ed. H. I. Kaplan, A. M. Freedman & B. J. Saddock. Boston: Williams & Wilkins, vol. 2.
    903. Wurmser, L. (1977) A defense of the use of metaphor in analytic theory formation. PQ, 46.
    904. Wurmser, L. (1981) The Mask of Shame. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press.
    905. Zetzel, E. R. (1956) Current concepts of transference. TJP, 37.

    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 5 peso

    1 weight.
    tiene un kilo de peso it weighs a kilo
    peso atómico atomic weight
    peso bruto gross weight
    peso ligero lightweight
    peso medio middleweight
    peso molecular molecular weight
    peso mosca flyweight
    peso muerto dead weight
    peso neto net weight
    peso pesado heavyweight
    2 weight (fuerza, influencia).
    su palabra tiene mucho peso his word carries a lot of weight
    3 burden.
    el peso de la culpabilidad the burden of guilt
    quitarse un peso de encima to take a weight off one's mind
    4 scales (balanza).
    5 shot (sport).
    6 peso (moneda).
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: pesar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) weight
    2 (balanza) scales plural
    3 (carga) load, burden
    de peso (pesado) heavy 2 (importante) important 3 (influyente) influential 4 (convincente) strong, powerful
    caerse por su propio peso to be self-evident, be obvious
    hacer el peso familiar to convince
    ganar peso to put on weight, gain weight
    perder peso to lose weight
    quitar un peso de encima de alguien to take a weight off somebody's mind
    peso bruto gross weight
    peso gallo bantamweight
    peso ligero lightweight
    peso neto net weight
    peso pesado heavyweight
    peso pluma featherweight
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1) (Fís, Téc) weight

    ¿cuál es tu peso? — how much do you weigh?

    un vehículo de mucho/poco peso — a heavy/light vehicle

    las telas se venden al peso — the fabrics are sold by weight

    coger peso — Esp (=engordar) to put on weight; (=levantar peso) to lift weight

    no dar el peso — [al pesarse] [boxeador] not to make the weight; [recién nacido] to be below normal weight, be underweight; [en una categoría] not to make the grade, not come up to scratch

    sostener algo en peso — to support the full weight of sth

    falto de peso — underweight

    ganar peso — to put on weight

    perder peso — to lose weight

    - valer su peso en oro

    peso específico — (lit) specific gravity; (fig) influence

    peso molecular — (Quím) molecular weight

    peso muerto — (Náut) (tb fig) dead weight

    2) (=acción)
    3) [de culpa, responsabilidad] weight

    quitarse un peso de encimato take a load o weight off one's mind

    me quitarías un buen peso de encima — it would be a weight off my mind, you would take a weight off my mind

    4) (=importancia) weight

    de peso — [persona] influential; [argumento] weighty, forceful

    razones de pesogood o sound reasons

    5) (=balanza) scales pl
    6) (Med) heaviness
    7) (Dep)
    a) Esp (Atletismo) shot
    b) (Halterofilia)
    c) [Boxeo] weight

    peso completo CAm, Méx, Ven heavyweight

    peso ligero, peso liviano — Chile, Ven lightweight

    peso medio fuerte — light heavyweight, cruiserweight

    8) (Econ) peso
    * * *
    a) (Fís, Tec) weight

    perder/ganar peso — to lose weight/gain o put on weight

    tomarle el peso a algoto weigh something up

    a) ( carga) weight, burden

    quitarle un peso de encima a alguiento take a load o a weight off somebody's mind

    me he quitado un buen peso de encimathat's a real load o weight off my mind

    b) ( influencia) weight

    las asociaciones de mayor peso — the most important associations, the associations which carry the most weight


    de peso< argumento> strong, weighty; < razón> forceful

    3) (Dep)
    a) (Esp) ( en atletismo) shot

    lanzamiento de peso — shot-put, shot-putting

    b) (Esp) ( en halterofilia) weight
    c) ( en boxeo) weight
    4) ( báscula) scales (pl); ( de balanza) (Chi) weight

    no tiene un pesohe doesn't have a cent o penny

    * * *
    a) (Fís, Tec) weight

    perder/ganar peso — to lose weight/gain o put on weight

    tomarle el peso a algoto weigh something up

    a) ( carga) weight, burden

    quitarle un peso de encima a alguiento take a load o a weight off somebody's mind

    me he quitado un buen peso de encimathat's a real load o weight off my mind

    b) ( influencia) weight

    las asociaciones de mayor peso — the most important associations, the associations which carry the most weight


    de peso< argumento> strong, weighty; < razón> forceful

    3) (Dep)
    a) (Esp) ( en atletismo) shot

    lanzamiento de peso — shot-put, shot-putting

    b) (Esp) ( en halterofilia) weight
    c) ( en boxeo) weight
    4) ( báscula) scales (pl); ( de balanza) (Chi) weight

    no tiene un pesohe doesn't have a cent o penny

    * * *
    1 = balance, weighing scales, scales.

    Ex: Officials are hopeful that all delivery men in the city will be equipped with balances within a month.

    Ex: Weighing scales are also sometimes used to measure force rather than mass.
    Ex: It indicates the changes and limitations which fill the other pan of the scales and which are frequently only discovered by bitter experience.
    * peso de baño = bathroom scales.

    2 = burden, load, weight, toll, term weight, body weight.

    Ex: In information retrieval applications it was more usual for one organisation to carry most of the burden of development of the system, and then to market it to others.

    Ex: By designing the floors to carry a superimposed live load of 6.5 kN/m2, it is easy to move bookshelves, reader places and other library functions to any part of the building.
    Ex: The vocabulary used in conjunction with PRECIS is split in two sections, one part for Entities (or things) and the other for Attributes (properties of things, for example colour, weight; activities of things, for example flow, and properties of activities, for example, slow, turbulent).
    Ex: Quite apart from the great toll of unasked questions, any hint of mutual antipathy between enquirer and librarian is fatal to the reference interview.
    Ex: Applications of these methods facilitate more effective assignment of term weights to index terms within documents and may assist searchers in the selection of search terms.
    Ex: The effect of Christmas time on body weight development was investigated in 46 obese patients.
    * aliviar a Alguien del peso de = relieve + Nombre + of the burden of.
    * aliviar de un peso a = relieve + the burden (on/from).
    * aumento de peso = weight gain.
    * castigar con todo el peso de la ley = punish + to the full extent of the law.
    * coger peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.
    * con todo el peso de la ley = to the full extent of the law.
    * control del peso = weight control.
    * de peso = weighty, of consequence, meaty [meatier -comp., meatiest -sup.].
    * de poco peso = pat, feeble.
    * exceso de peso = overweight.
    * falta de peso = underweight.
    * ganar peso = put on + weight, gain + weight.
    * gran peso = heavy weight.
    * hundirse bajo el peso de = collapse under + the weight of.
    * hundirse por el peso = bog down.
    * hundirse por su propio peso = sink under + its own weight.
    * ley de pesos y medidas = weights and measures act.
    * ligero de peso = lightweight [light-weight].
    * llevar el peso = undertake + burden.
    * perder peso = lose + weight.
    * pérdida de peso = weight loss.
    * peso al nacer = birthweight.
    * peso atómico = atomic weight.
    * peso de la prueba, el = burden of proof, the.
    * peso de la responsabilidad, el = burden of responsibility, the.
    * peso de nacimiento = birthweight.
    * peso específico = weight, specific gravity.
    * peso molecular = molecular weight.
    * peso muerto = dead weight.
    * peso pesado = heavy weight [heavyweight], big wheel, big shot, big noise, big wig, fat cat.
    * por debajo del peso normal = underweight.
    * problema de peso = weight problem.
    * quitarse un (buen) peso de encima = get + a (real) weight off + Posesivo + chest.
    * quitarse un peso de encima = take + a weight off + Posesivo + mind, take + a load off + Posesivo + mind.
    * quitar un peso de encima = remove + burden from shoulders.
    * quitar un peso de encima a Alguien = lift + a weight off + Posesivo + shoulders.
    * se cae de su peso que = it goes without saying that.
    * soportar el peso de Algo = carry + the burden.
    * soportar un peso = take + load.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.
    * tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.
    * todo el peso de la ley = full force of the law, the.
    * vector de peso específico = weighted vector.

    * * *
    1 ( Fís, Tec) weight
    sistema de pesos y medidas system of weights and measures
    a ti no te conviene levantar esos pesos you shouldn't lift (heavy) weights like that
    perder/ganar peso to lose/gain o put on weight
    vive preocupada por el peso she worries about her weight all the time
    tomarle el peso a algo to weigh sth up
    valer su peso en oro to be worth one's weight in gold
    caer v pron A 2. (↑ caer)
    al peso ‹venta/compra› by weight;
    ‹vender/comprar› by weight
    atomic weight
    gross weight
    ( Fís, Quím) specific gravity
    su peso específico en la empresa es bien sabido por todos everyone knows he carries a lot of weight in the company
    molecular weight
    net weight
    1 (carga, pesadumbre) weight, burden
    está abrumado por el peso de tanta responsabilidad he's overwhelmed by the burden of so much responsibility
    lleva el peso de la empresa he carries the burden of responsibility for the company
    el peso de la prueba recae sobre el fiscal the onus of proof lies with the prosecution
    quitarle un peso de encima a algn to take a load o a weight off sb's mind
    me he quitado un buen peso de encima that's a real load o weight off my mind
    2 (importancia, influencia) weight
    las asociaciones de mayor peso the most important associations, the associations which carry the most weight
    su papel tiene poco peso her role is fairly minor
    la agricultura es una actividad que tiene poco peso en la economía agriculture does not play a very important role in the economy
    la Iglesia ejerce un peso moral muy fuerte en nuestra sociedad the Church exercises a very strong moral influence in our society
    todo el peso de la ley the full weight of the law
    de peso ‹argumento› strong, weighty;
    ‹razón› forceful
    tiene amistades de peso en la dirección she has influential friends on the board
    C ( Dep)
    lanzamiento de peso shot-put, shot-putting
    levantamiento de pesos weightlifting
    3 (en boxeo) weight
    peso ligero or liviano
    peso medio or mediano
    ( Dep) heavyweight
    un peso pesado de la literatura/política a literary/political heavyweight
    1 (báscula) scales (pl)
    2 ( Chi) (de una balanza) weight
    nunca tiene un peso he never has a cent o penny
    * * *


    Del verbo pesar: ( conjugate pesar)

    peso es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    pesó es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    pesar 1 sustantivo masculino
    a) (pena, tristeza) sorrow;

    a peso mío or muy a mi peso much to my regret


    a peso de todo in spite of o despite everything;
    a pesar de que even though
    pesar 2 ( conjugate pesar) verbo intransitivo
    1 [paquete/maleta] to be heavy;

    no me pesa it's not heavy
    2 ( causar arrepentimiento) (+ me/te/le etc):

    me pesa haberlo ofendido I'm very sorry I offended him

    pese a que even though;
    mal que me/le pese whether I like/he likes it or not
    verbo transitivo
    a)niño/maleta to weigh;

    manzanas to weigh (out)

    pesarse verbo pronominal ( refl) to weigh oneself
    peso sustantivo masculino
    a) (Fís, Tec) weight;

    ganar/perder peso to gain o put on/lose weight;

    peso bruto/neto gross/net weight

    a) (carga, responsabilidad) weight, burden;

    quitarle un peso de encima a algn to take a load o a weight off sb's mind


    razón forceful
    3 (Dep)
    a) (Esp) ( en atletismo) shot;

    b) (Esp) ( en halterofilia) weight;

    peso ligero/mosca/pesado/pluma lightweight/flyweight/heavyweight/featherweight

    4 ( báscula) scales (pl)
    5 (Fin) peso ( unit of currency in many Latin American countries);
    no tiene un peso he doesn't have a cent o penny

    I verbo intransitivo
    1 (tener peso físico) to weigh: esa carne pesa dos kilos, that meat weighs two kilos
    2 (tener peso psíquico) to have influence: sus opiniones aún pesan en el grupo, his opinions still carry weight in the group
    3 (causar arrepentimiento, dolor) to grieve: me pesa no haber ido con vosotros, I regret not having gone with you
    II vtr (determinar un peso) to weigh
    III sustantivo masculino
    1 (pena, pesadumbre) sorrow, grief
    2 (remordimiento) regret
    ♦ Locuciones: a pesar de, in spite of
    a pesar de que, although ➣ Ver nota en aunque
    peso sustantivo masculino
    1 weight
    ganar/perder peso, to put on/lose weight
    Quím Fís peso específico, specific gravity
    2 (carga, preocupación) weight, burden
    3 (influencia) importance
    4 (utensilio) scales
    ♦ Locuciones: quitarse un peso de encima, to take a load off one's mind
    de peso, (una persona) influential, (un argumento) convincing
    ' peso' also found in these entries:
    - aligerar
    - bruta
    - bruto
    - carga
    - cargar
    - exceso
    - kilo
    - lanzamiento
    - levedad
    - ligera
    - ligero
    - mantener
    - medida
    - neta
    - neto
    - onza
    - pesar
    - ponderar
    - según
    - sopesar
    - soportar
    - sostener
    - sustentar
    - tara
    - vencerse
    - aguantar
    - arroba
    - aumentar
    - aumento
    - cargado
    - controlar
    - convertir
    - distribuir
    - equilibrar
    - estacionar
    - exceder
    - gordura
    - igual
    - justo
    - lanzador
    - levantar
    - mínimo
    - moneda
    - perder
    - propina
    - rebajar
    - unidad
    - back
    - bear
    - compelling
    - dead weight
    - feather weight
    - flyweight
    - gain
    - heaviness
    - heavyweight
    - hold
    - lb
    - lift
    - lighten
    - lightweight
    - load
    - middleweight
    - outweigh
    - overweight
    - pound
    - quibble
    - shed
    - shot
    - stand
    - sustain
    - weight
    - weight-watching
    - welterweight
    - clout
    - dead
    - excess
    - hundred
    - lose
    - over
    - peso
    - put
    - slim
    - stone
    - strain
    - strong
    - support
    - under
    - weighty
    * * *
    peso nm
    1. [en general] weight;
    tiene un kilo de peso it weighs a kilo;
    ganar/perder peso to gain/lose weight;
    vender algo al peso to sell sth by weight;
    de peso [razones] weighty, sound;
    [persona] influential;
    caer por su propio peso to be self-evident;
    pagar algo a peso de oro to pay a fortune for sth;
    valer su peso en oro to be worth its/his/ etc weight in gold
    peso atómico atomic weight;
    peso bruto gross weight;
    Fís peso específico relative density, specific gravity; Fig
    tiene mucho peso específico he carries a lot of weight;
    Quím peso molar molar weight;
    peso molecular molecular weight;
    peso muerto dead weight;
    peso neto net weight
    2. [sensación] heavy feeling;
    siento peso en las piernas my legs feel heavy
    3. [fuerza, influencia] weight;
    su palabra tiene mucho peso his word carries a lot of weight;
    el peso de sus argumentos está fuera de duda there is no disputing the force of her arguments;
    el vicepresidente ejerce mucho peso en la organización the vice president carries a lot of weight in the organization
    4. [carga, preocupación] burden;
    el peso de la culpabilidad the burden of guilt;
    quitarse un peso de encima to take a weight off one's mind
    5. [balanza] scales
    6. [moneda] peso
    7. Dep shot;
    8. [en boxeo] weight
    peso gallo bantamweight;
    peso ligero lightweight;
    peso medio middleweight;
    peso mosca flyweight;
    también Fig peso pesado heavyweight;
    peso pluma featherweight;
    peso semiligero light middleweight;
    peso semipesado light heavyweight;
    peso welter welterweight
    9. Am Fam [dinero]
    en ese trabajo no gana un peso she earns next to nothing in that job;
    no tengo un peso I'm broke;
    ¿cuánto te costó? – no mucho, dos pesos how much did it cost you? – not much o next to nothing
    * * *
    1 weight;
    ganar peso put on o gain weight;
    perder peso lose weight; fig become less important;
    de peso fig weighty;
    por su propio peso it goes without saying;
    se me quitó un peso de encima it took a real load off my mind
    2 FIN peso
    * * *
    peso nm
    1) : weight, heaviness
    2) : burden, responsibility
    3) : weight (in sports)
    4) báscula: scales pl
    5) : peso
    * * *
    peso n
    1. (en general) weight
    tiene cinco kilos de peso it is five kilos in weight / it weighs five kilos
    2. (deporte) shot

    Spanish-English dictionary > peso

  • 6 ser

    1 being (ente).
    ser humano human being
    los seres vivos living things
    2 ens.
    1 to be (to be in some place or situation, to originate in, to belong to, to pertain, to exist really).
    fue aquí it was here
    lo importante es decidirse the important thing is to reach a decision
    ¿de dónde eres? where are you from?
    los juguetes son de mi hijo the toys are my son's
    es alto/gracioso he is tall/funny
    es azul/difícil it's blue/difficult
    es un amigo/el dueño he is a friend/the owner
    Yo soy buena I am good.
    2 to be (to be worth, quantity).
    ¿cuánto es? how much is it?
    son 300 pesos that'll be 300 pesos
    ¿qué (día) es hoy? what day is it today?, what's today?
    mañana será 15 de julio tomorrow (it) will be 15 July
    ¿qué hora es? what time is it?, what's the time?
    son las tres (de la tarde) it's three o'clock (in the afternoon), it's three (pm)
    3 to be (joined to nouns which signify employment or occupation).
    soy abogado/actriz I'm a lawyer/an actress
    son estudiantes they're students
    4 to be (to happen, to occur, to fall out).
    es muy tarde it's rather late
    era de noche/de día it was night/day
    5 to be (auxiliary verb, by which the passive is formed).
    fue visto por un testigo he was seen by a witness
    6 to exist, to live.
    7 to be for.
    Me es muy fácil aprender español It is very easy for me to learn Spanish.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    soy, eres, es, somos, sois, son.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Past Indicative
    Future Indicative
    seré, serás, será, seremos, seréis, serán.
    sería, serías, sería, seríamos, seríais, serían.
    Present Subjunctive
    sea, seas, sea, seamos, seáis, sean.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    (tú), sea (él/Vd.), seamos (nos.), sed (vos.), sean (ellos/Vds.).
    Past Participle
    * * *
    1. verb 2. noun m.
    * * *
    SF ABR Esp
    = Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión radio network
    * * *
    I 1.
    [ ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1]

    es inglés/rubio/católico — he's English/fair/(a) Catholic

    era cierto/posible — it was true/possible

    sé bueno, estáte quieto — be a good boy and keep still

    que seas muy feliz — I hope you'll be very happy; (+ me/te/le etc)

    para serte sincero — to be honest with you, to tell you the truth

    siempre le he sido fiel — I've always been faithful to her; ver tb verbo intransitivo I 5

    ¿éste es o se hace?/¿tú eres o te haces? — (AmL fam) is he/are you stupid or something? (colloq)

    el mayor es casado/divorciado — the oldest is married/divorced

    es viuda — she's a widow; ver tb estar I 3)

    3) (seguido de nombre, pronombre, sintagma nominal) to be

    soy peluquera/abogada — I'm a hairdresser/a lawyer

    ábreme, soy Mariano/yo — open the door, it's Mariano/it's me

    por ser usted, haremos una excepción — for you o since it's you, we'll make an exception

    4) (con predicado introducido por `de')

    es de los vecinos — it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors'

    ésa es de las que... — she's one of those people who..., she's the sort of person who...

    ser de lo que no hay — (fam) to be incredible (colloq)

    5) (hipótesis, futuro)

    ¿será cierto? — can it be true?

    ser vi
    a) ( existir) to be
    b) (liter) ( en cuentos)

    érase una vez... — once upon a time there was...

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir)

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? — where did the accident happen?

    el asunto fue así... — it happened like this...

    ser de algo/alguien: ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him; ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq); ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? — what will become of us?

    3) ( sumar)

    ¿cuánto es (todo)? — how much is that (altogether)?

    son 3.000 pesos — that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos

    4) (causar, significar) to be
    5) ( resultar)
    6) ( consistir en) to be

    lo importante es participarthe important o main thing is to take part

    7) (indicando finalidad, adecuación)

    fue aquí donde lo vi — this is where I saw him, it was here that I saw him

    fui yo quien or la que lo dije fui yo quien or la que lo dijo — I was the one who said it, it was me that said it


    es que...: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?; es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim; díselo, si es que te atreves — tell him, if you dare


    lo que es... — (fam)

    lo que es yo, no pienso hablarle más — I certainly have no intention of speaking to him again

    lo que es saber idiomas!it sure is something to be able to speak languages! (AmE), what it is to be able to speak languages! (BrE)

    a no ser que — (+ subj) unless

    como debe ser: ¿ves como me acordé? - como debe ser! see, I did remember- I should think so too!; los presentó uno por uno, como debe ser she introduced them one by one, as you should; ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq); como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what; hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done; puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like; como ser (CS) such as; de no ser así (frml) should this not be the case (frml); de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml); de no ser por...: de no ser por él,... if it hadn't been o if it weren't for him,...; eso es! that's it!, that's right!; lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something; tú pagas tus mil pesos o lo que sea... you pay your thousand pesos or whatever...; estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes o anything; no sea que or no vaya a ser que (+ subj) in case; cierra la ventana, no sea or no vaya a ser que llueva close the window in case it rains; ten cuidado, no sea or no vaya a ser que lo eches todo a perder be careful or you'll ruin everything; o sea: los empleados de más antigüedad, o sea los que llevan aquí más de... longer serving employees, that is to say those who have been here more than...; o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested; o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out; (ya) sea..., (ya) sea... either..., or...; (ya) sea por caridad, (ya) sea por otra razón,... whether he did it out of charity or for some other reason,...; sea como sea: hay que impedirlo, sea como sea it must be prevented now matter how o at all costs; sea cuando sea whenever it is; sea quien sea le dices que no estoy whoever it is, tell them I'm not in; si no fuera/hubiera sido por... — if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for...

    12) ( en el tiempo) to be

    ¿qué fecha es hoy? — what's the date today?, what's today's date

    ¿qué día es hoy? — what day is it today?

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó — it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived; ver tb verbo impersonal

    ser v impers to be

    ser + pp — to be + pp

    a) ( ente) being
    b) (individuo, persona)
    b) ( carácter esencial) essence
    3) (Fil) being
    * * *
    I 1.
    [ ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1]

    es inglés/rubio/católico — he's English/fair/(a) Catholic

    era cierto/posible — it was true/possible

    sé bueno, estáte quieto — be a good boy and keep still

    que seas muy feliz — I hope you'll be very happy; (+ me/te/le etc)

    para serte sincero — to be honest with you, to tell you the truth

    siempre le he sido fiel — I've always been faithful to her; ver tb verbo intransitivo I 5

    ¿éste es o se hace?/¿tú eres o te haces? — (AmL fam) is he/are you stupid or something? (colloq)

    el mayor es casado/divorciado — the oldest is married/divorced

    es viuda — she's a widow; ver tb estar I 3)

    3) (seguido de nombre, pronombre, sintagma nominal) to be

    soy peluquera/abogada — I'm a hairdresser/a lawyer

    ábreme, soy Mariano/yo — open the door, it's Mariano/it's me

    por ser usted, haremos una excepción — for you o since it's you, we'll make an exception

    4) (con predicado introducido por `de')

    es de los vecinos — it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors'

    ésa es de las que... — she's one of those people who..., she's the sort of person who...

    ser de lo que no hay — (fam) to be incredible (colloq)

    5) (hipótesis, futuro)

    ¿será cierto? — can it be true?

    ser vi
    a) ( existir) to be
    b) (liter) ( en cuentos)

    érase una vez... — once upon a time there was...

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir)

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? — where did the accident happen?

    el asunto fue así... — it happened like this...

    ser de algo/alguien: ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him; ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq); ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? — what will become of us?

    3) ( sumar)

    ¿cuánto es (todo)? — how much is that (altogether)?

    son 3.000 pesos — that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos

    4) (causar, significar) to be
    5) ( resultar)
    6) ( consistir en) to be

    lo importante es participarthe important o main thing is to take part

    7) (indicando finalidad, adecuación)

    fue aquí donde lo vi — this is where I saw him, it was here that I saw him

    fui yo quien or la que lo dije fui yo quien or la que lo dijo — I was the one who said it, it was me that said it


    es que...: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?; es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim; díselo, si es que te atreves — tell him, if you dare


    lo que es... — (fam)

    lo que es yo, no pienso hablarle más — I certainly have no intention of speaking to him again

    lo que es saber idiomas!it sure is something to be able to speak languages! (AmE), what it is to be able to speak languages! (BrE)

    a no ser que — (+ subj) unless

    como debe ser: ¿ves como me acordé? - como debe ser! see, I did remember- I should think so too!; los presentó uno por uno, como debe ser she introduced them one by one, as you should; ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq); como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what; hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done; puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like; como ser (CS) such as; de no ser así (frml) should this not be the case (frml); de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml); de no ser por...: de no ser por él,... if it hadn't been o if it weren't for him,...; eso es! that's it!, that's right!; lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something; tú pagas tus mil pesos o lo que sea... you pay your thousand pesos or whatever...; estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes o anything; no sea que or no vaya a ser que (+ subj) in case; cierra la ventana, no sea or no vaya a ser que llueva close the window in case it rains; ten cuidado, no sea or no vaya a ser que lo eches todo a perder be careful or you'll ruin everything; o sea: los empleados de más antigüedad, o sea los que llevan aquí más de... longer serving employees, that is to say those who have been here more than...; o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested; o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out; (ya) sea..., (ya) sea... either..., or...; (ya) sea por caridad, (ya) sea por otra razón,... whether he did it out of charity or for some other reason,...; sea como sea: hay que impedirlo, sea como sea it must be prevented now matter how o at all costs; sea cuando sea whenever it is; sea quien sea le dices que no estoy whoever it is, tell them I'm not in; si no fuera/hubiera sido por... — if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for...

    12) ( en el tiempo) to be

    ¿qué fecha es hoy? — what's the date today?, what's today's date

    ¿qué día es hoy? — what day is it today?

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó — it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived; ver tb verbo impersonal

    ser v impers to be

    ser + pp — to be + pp

    a) ( ente) being
    b) (individuo, persona)
    b) ( carácter esencial) essence
    3) (Fil) being
    * * *
    1 = being, creature.

    Ex: A feeling of unshielded relief filled Pope's whole being.

    Ex: Stories that lead to doing things are all the more attractive to children, who are active rather than passive creatures.
    * abducción por seres extraterrestres = alien abduction.
    * alimentación del ser humano = human nutrition.
    * llegada de seres extraterrestres = alien visitation.
    * nutrición del ser humano = human nutrition.
    * ser consecuente con Uno mismo = be true to + Reflexivo.
    * ser extraterrestre = alien creature.
    * ser fiel con Uno mismo = be true to + Reflexivo.
    * ser humano = human being, human, human person.
    * ser inteligente = intelligent being.
    * ser pensante = sentient being.
    * ser superior = supreme being, higher being, superior being.
    * ser supremo = supreme being.
    * ser todo un éxito = hit + a home run, knock it out of + the park.
    * ser vivo = living being, sentient being.
    * todo ser humano = every living soul.
    * tráfico de seres humanos = trafficking in human beings.
    * trata de seres humanos = trafficking in human beings.

    2 = be, take + the form of, stand as.

    Ex: Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.

    Ex: Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.
    Ex: Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
    * anhelar ser = ache to be.
    * a no ser que = unless.
    * así es = that's how it is.
    * así sea = amen.
    * así son las cosas = that's they way things are.
    * centrado en el ser humano = anthropocentric.
    * clonación del ser humano = human cloning.
    * como es el caso de = as it is with.
    * cómo + ser = what + be like.
    * conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight.
    * continuar siendo importante = remain + big.
    * crearse el prestigio de ser = establish + a record as.
    * cualquiera que fuere = any... whatsoever.
    * cualquiera que fuese = any... whatsoever.
    * cualquiera que sea + Nombre = whichever + Nombre.
    * debilidad del ser humano = mankind's frailty.
    * dejar de ser útil = outlive + Posesivo + usefulness.
    * demostrar ser = prove + to be.
    * de tal forma que + ser/estar = in such form as to + be.
    * dicho sea de paso = by the by(e).
    * dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres = you are known by the company you keep.
    * dinero + ser para = money + go towards.
    * el + Nombre + es inestimable = the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated.
    * el ser barato = cheapness.
    * el sueño de todo ser viviente = the stuff dreams are made of.
    * entrar sin ser visto = sneak into.
    * es = it's [it is].
    * esa es la cuestión = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esa es la dificultad = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * es decir = i.e. (latín - id est), in other words, that is, that is to say, which is to say.
    * es de deducir que = it follows that.
    * es de destacar que = significantly.
    * es de esperar = hopefully.
    * es de esperar que = all being well.
    * es de resaltar que = significantly.
    * es de suponer que = presumably.
    * ese es el asunto = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * es el momento adecuado = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
    * es el momento oportuno = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
    * es evidente = clearly.
    * es importante destacar = importantly.
    * es inevitable que = inevitably.
    * es interesante que = interestingly.
    * es lo que a mí me parece = my two cents' worth.
    * es lo que yo pienso = my two cents' worth.
    * es más = more important, moreover.
    * es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo = easier said than done.
    * es mi opinión = my two cents' worth.
    * es mi parecer = my two cents' worth.
    * es por lo tanto deducible que = it therefore follows that.
    * es por lo tanto de esperar que = it therefore follows that.
    * es por lo tanto lógico que = it therefore follows that.
    * ¡esta es tu oportunidad! = here's your chance!.
    * estar siendo + Participio = be in process of + Nombre.
    * evitar ser afectado = escape + unaffected.
    * fue durante mucho tiempo = long remained.
    * haber sido aceptado = be here to stay, have come + to stay.
    * haber sido comprobado exhaustivamente = be thoroughly tested.
    * la razón de ser = the reason for being.
    * la verdad sea dicha = to tell the truth.
    * llegar a ser = become, develop into.
    * llegar a ser conocido como = become + known as.
    * lo que es aun peor = worse still.
    * lo que es peor = what's worse.
    * lo que haya que de ser, será = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lo que + ser = what + be like.
    * lo que tenga que ser, será = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * merecer ser mencionado = deserve + mention.
    * no ser aconsejable = be undesirable.
    * no ser + Adjetivo + Infinitivo = be less than + Adjetivo + Infinitivo.
    * no ser así ya = be no longer the case.
    * no ser bien visto = be in the doghouse.
    * no ser cobarde = be no chicken.
    * no ser consciente de = remain + unaware of.
    * no ser deseable = be undesirable.
    * no + ser + de sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no ser fácil = be no picnic, not be easy.
    * no ser gran cosa = not add up to much, add up to + nothing.
    * no ser lo suficientemente bueno = not be good enough.
    * no ser más que = be nothing more than, be nothing but.
    * no ser nada = add up to + nothing.
    * no ser nada fácil = be hard-pushed to.
    * no ser ningún jovencito = be no chicken.
    * no ser ni una cosa ni otra = fall between + two stools.
    * no ser sino = be nothing but.
    * no ser una gran pérdida = be no great loss.
    * no ser un lecho de rosas = be not all roses.
    * no ser verdad = be untrue.
    * no somos todos iguales = one size doesn't fit all.
    * no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo = there + be + no sense in + Gerundio.
    * para ser específico = to be specific.
    * para ser franco = in all honesty.
    * para ser sincero = to be honest, in all honesty.
    * pasar a ser = become, develop into.
    * por ser + Adjetivo = as being + Adjetivo.
    * por si fuera poco = to boot, to add salt to injury, to rub salt in the wound.
    * posible de ser consultado por máquina = machine-viewable.
    * posible de ser visto en pantalla = displayable.
    * primer puesto + ser para = pride of place + go to.
    * puede muy bien ser = could well be.
    * puede muy bien ser que = it may well be that.
    * que fue = one-time.
    * que fue común antes = once-common.
    * que ha sido abordado con preguntas = accost.
    * que puede ser apilado = stacking.
    * razón de ser = point, raison d'etre, rationale, sense of purpose.
    * ser reconocido = gain + recognition.
    * resultar ser = prove + to be, turn out to be, happen + to be.
    * sea como sea = be that as it may, at all costs, at any cost, at any price, come hell or high water.
    * sea cual fuere = any... whatsoever, any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual fuese = any... whatsoever, any... whatsoever.
    * sea cual sea el criterio utilizado = by any standard(s).
    * sea lo que sea = whatever it is, be that as it may, call it what you want.
    * seamos realistas = face it, let's face it.
    * sean cuales sean = whatever they may be.
    * sentido del ser humano = human sense.
    * ser accesible a través de = be available through.
    * ser aceptado = take + hold, gain + acceptance, take off.
    * ser acertado = be spot on.
    * ser aconsejable = be welcome, be better served by, be in order.
    * ser acorde con = be commensurate with.
    * ser acuciante = be acute.
    * ser acusado de delito criminal = face + criminal charge.
    * ser adecuado = be right, stand up, fit + the bill.
    * ser + Adjetivo = get + Adjetivo.
    * ser + Adjetivo + para = have + a + Adjetivo + effect on.
    * ser afectado por = have + a high stake in.
    * ser aficionado a = be fond of.
    * ser afortunado = be lucky, strike + lucky.
    * ser agradable de oír = be good to hear.
    * ser agradable + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser algo bien conocido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser algo bueno = be a good thing.
    * ser algo completamente distinto = be nothing of the sort.
    * ser algo común = be a fact of life, dominate + the scene, be a common occurrence, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser Algo demasiado difícil para = be in over + Posesivo + head, be out of + Posesivo + depth.
    * ser algo excepcional = be the exception rather than the rule, be in a league of its own.
    * ser algo fácil = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo facilísimo = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo habitual = become + a common feature, be a fact of life.
    * ser Algo imponente = loom + large.
    * ser algo inevitable = the (hand)writing + be + on the wall, see it + coming.
    * ser algo más profundo que = go + deeper than.
    * ser algo más serio que = go + deeper than.
    * ser algo (muy) bien sabido que = it + be + a (well)-known fact that.
    * ser algo muy claro = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.
    * ser Algo muy importante = loom + large.
    * ser algo muy obvio = be a dead giveaway.
    * ser algo muy poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy raro = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo muy revelador = be a giveaway.
    * ser algo natural para = be second nature to + Pronombre, come + naturally to.
    * ser algo normal = be a fact of life, become + a common feature, be a part of life.
    * ser algo permanente = be here to stay.
    * ser algo poco común = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser algo poco conocido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo poco frecuente = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo poco sabido que = it + be + a little known fact that.
    * ser algo por lo que = be a matter for/of.
    * ser algo por ver = be an open question.
    * ser algo que no ocurre con frecuencia = be a rare occurrence.
    * ser algo seguro = be a cinch, be a doddle, be a breeze, be a picnic, be duck soup.
    * ser algo útil para = be something in the hand for.
    * ser amado = loved-one.
    * ser amigo de = be buddies with.
    * ser analizado como una frase = be phrase parsed.
    * ser apreciado = receive + appreciation.
    * ser apropiado = be right.
    * ser aproximadamente + Número = be around + Número, be about + Número.
    * ser arrestado = be under arrest.
    * ser asequible = be available, become + available.
    * ser asequible a = be amenable to.
    * ser así = be the case (with), be just like that.
    * ser atacado = be under attack, come under + fire, be under assault.
    * ser atractivo = look + attractive, be popular in appeal.
    * ser atrevido = make + a bold statement.
    * ser atribuible a = be attributable to.
    * ser aun más = be all the more.
    * ser autosuficiente = stand on + Posesivo + own, self-serve.
    * ser autosuficiente económicamente = pay + Posesivo + own way.
    * ser avaricioso = have + Posesivo + cake and eat it.
    * ser bienvenido = be most welcome, make + welcome, be welcome.
    * ser bonito + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser buenísimo + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser bueno = make + good + Nombre.
    * ser bueno en = be good at.
    * ser bueno para Alguien = be to + Posesivo + advantage.
    * ser cada vez más importante = increase in + importance.
    * ser capaz de = be capable of.
    * ser capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por = go to + any lengths to, go to + great lengths to.
    * ser característico de = be emblematic of.
    * ser carísimo = cost + be prohibitive.
    * ser caro = be steep.
    * ser casi seguro = be a good bet.
    * ser chiquito pero matón = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * ser chulo = be cool.
    * ser clavado a = be a dead ringer for.
    * ser cliente de una tienda = patronise + shop.
    * ser coherente = cohere.
    * ser como el día y la noche = different as night and day.
    * ser como hablar con la pared = be like talking to a brick wall.
    * ser como mínimo = be no less than.
    * ser como una esfera = wrap around.
    * ser como un círculo = wrap around.
    * ser como un libro abierto = be an open book.
    * ser complementario el uno del otro = be integral one to another.
    * ser complementarios = be integral one to another.
    * ser completamente diferente = be in a different league.
    * ser completo = be all inclusive.
    * ser común = be the case (with).
    * ser condenado a prisión = receive + prison sentence.
    * ser confuso = be deceiving.
    * ser conocido por = famously, have + a track record of.
    * ser conocido por todos = be out in the open.
    * ser consciente = sentient being.
    * ser consciente de = be alive to, be aware of, be cognisant of, be mindful of/that, become + cognisant of, be aware of, realise [realize, -USA].
    * ser consciente de + Posesivo + valía = be alive to + Posesivo + worth.
    * ser consciente + desafortunadamente = be painfully aware of.
    * ser contradictorio de = run + contrary to.
    * ser contraproducente = defeat + Posesivo + purpose, blowback.
    * ser contrario a = be contrary to, be hostile to.
    * ser conveniente + Infinitivo = be as well + Infinitivo, be well + Infinitivo.
    * ser correcto = be all right, be correct, be right.
    * ser cortés con = be civil towards.
    * ser costumbre = be customary.
    * ser creativo = be inventive.
    * ser creíble = invoke + belief.
    * ser criticado = be subjected to + criticism, be (the) subject of/to criticism, take + heat, come under + fire.
    * ser crucial (para) = be central (to).
    * ser cuestión de = come down to.
    * ser culpable = be to blame.
    * ser culpable (por/de) = be at fault (for/to).
    * ser dado a = be amenable to, be apt to, be given to.
    * ser de = be a native of.
    * ser de alto nivel = be at a high level.
    * ser de armas tomar = be a (real) handful.
    * ser de ayuda = be of assistance.
    * ser debatible = be a moot point, be open to question, be open to debate, be at issue.
    * ser de calidad = be up to snuff, be up to scratch.
    * ser decisión de + Nombre = be down to + Nombre.
    * ser de contenido + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in content.
    * ser de crecimiento rápido = be a quick grower.
    * ser de difícil acceso = tuck away.
    * ser de dominio público = be public domain.
    * ser deficiente = be wanting.
    * ser definitivo = be final.
    * ser de gran ayuda para = be a boon to.
    * ser de gran beneficio para = be of great benefit to.
    * ser de importancia primordial = be of key importance.
    * ser de importancia vital = lie at + the heart of.
    * ser de interés para = be of interest (to/for).
    * ser dejado en la obligación de Uno = be derelict in + duty.
    * ser de la izquierda = be of the left.
    * ser de la noche = night creature.
    * ser de la opinión de que = be of the opinion that, be of the view that.
    * ser del gusto de Uno = be to + Posesivo + taste.
    * ser del orden de + Número = be of the order of + Número.
    * ser de los que piensan que = subscribe to + view.
    * ser demasiado = be over-provided, be a mouthful.
    * ser demasiado + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * ser demasiado complaciente = lean over + too far backwards.
    * ser demasiado común = be all too common.
    * ser demasiado para = be too much for, be too much for.
    * ser demasiado precavido = err + on the side of caution.
    * ser demasiado preciso = put + too fine a point on, split + hairs.
    * ser demasiado quisquilloso = put + too fine a point on, split + hairs.
    * ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás = reach + the point of no return.
    * ser de mucho uso = take + Nombre + a long way.
    * ser de número limitado = be limited in number.
    * ser de origen + Adjetivo = be + Adjetivo + in origin.
    * ser de poco valor = be of little use, be of little value.
    * ser de primera categoría = be top notch.
    * ser de raza negra o de piel morena = be coloured.
    * ser de sabios = be a point of wisdom.
    * ser desacertado = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * ser desastroso = spell + bad news, be a shambles, be (in) a mess.
    * ser desconocido para = be alien to.
    * ser descorazonador = be dispiriting.
    * ser desoído = be unheeded.
    * ser despiadado = play + hardball.
    * ser detenido = be under arrest.
    * ser de un solo uso = be a one-trip pony.
    * ser de un tipo diferente = be different in kind, differ in + kind (from).
    * ser de un valor especial = be of particular value.
    * ser de uso general = be in general use, be generally available.
    * ser de utilidad = be of use.
    * ser de utilidad a = be of service to.
    * ser diestro en = be skilled at.
    * ser difícil = be a stretch.
    * ser difícil de bregar = be a (real) handful.
    * ser difícil de conseguir = be hard to get.
    * ser difícil de creer = beggar + belief.
    * ser difícil de encontrar = be hard to find.
    * ser difícil de lograr = be hard to get.
    * ser difícil de superar = take + some beating.
    * ser digno de = merit.
    * ser digno de admiración = deserve + admiration.
    * ser digno de crítica = merit + a critical eye.
    * ser digno de + Infinitivo = be worth + Gerundio.
    * ser diplomático = say + the right thing.
    * ser discutible = be open to question, be open to debate, be at issue.
    * ser dogmático = be dogmatic.
    * ser dos mundos completamente distintos = be poles apart.
    * ser dudoso = be doubtful.
    * ser duro = play + hardball.
    * ser eficaz para + Infinitivo = be efficient at + Gerundio.
    * ser el acabóse = take + the biscuit, take + the cake, be the limit.
    * ser el alma de = be the life of, be the life and soul of.
    * ser el asunto = be the point.
    * ser el beneficiario de = be on the receiving end of.
    * ser el blanco de = be a pushover for.
    * ser el blanco de las críticas = come under + fire.
    * ser el canalizador de = be the conduit for.
    * ser el capitán = skipper, captain.
    * ser el caso (de) = be the case (with).
    * ser el centro de atención = steal + the limelight, steal + the show, cut + a dash.
    * ser el centro de todas las miradas = cut + a dash.
    * ser el colmo = be the last straw, bring + the situation to a head, take + the biscuit, take + the cake, be the limit.
    * ser el contrincante más débil = punch above + Posesivo + weight.
    * ser el culo del mundo = be the pits.
    * ser elegido = get in.
    * ser elevado = be steep.
    * ser el éxito de la fiesta = steal + the limelight, steal + the show.
    * ser el fin de = sign + a death warrant (for).
    * ser el jefe = be in charge, call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * ser el límite = be the limit.
    * ser el mandamás = call + the shots, be the boss, call + the tune, rule + the roost.
    * ser el más afectado por = bear + the brunt of.
    * ser el máximo = be the limit.
    * ser el momento clave = mark + the watershed.
    * ser el momento (de) = be the time to.
    * ser el momento decisivo = mark + the watershed.
    * ser el momento de/para = it + be + time to/for.
    * ser el objetivo de Uno = be in business for.
    * ser el orgullo de = be the pride and joy of.
    * ser el origen de = provide + the material for.
    * ser el paraje natural de = be home to.
    * ser el preludio = usher in.
    * ser el primero = be second to none, come out on + top.
    * ser el primero en = lead + the way in.
    * ser el primero en + Infinitivo = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * ser el punto de partida de = form + the basis of.
    * ser el punto más débil de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el punto más flaco de Alguien = be at + Posesivo + weakest.
    * ser el que con mayor frecuencia = be (the) most likely to.
    * ser el que con menor frecuencia = be (the) least likely to.
    * ser el resultado de = follow from, result from.
    * ser el segundo de a bordo = play + second fiddle.
    * ser el último grito = be all the rage.
    * ser el último mono ser el último mono = feel + pulled and tugged.
    * ser emblemático de = be emblematic of.
    * ser en balde = be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * ser en cierto modo un + Nombre = be something of a + Nombre.
    * ser en vano = be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * ser enviado a = have + the lead to.
    * ser equiparable a = be commensurate with.
    * ser erróneo = be wide of the mark, be wrong.
    * ser escaso = be few and far between, be in short supply.
    * ser esclavo de = be slave to.
    * ser estupendo = sound + great, be fine and dandy.
    * ser estúpido = be off + Posesivo + rocker.
    * ser exigente al elegir = pick and choose.
    * ser exigente al escoger = pick and choose.
    * ser experto en = be skilled at.
    * ser expulsado de = be dropped from.
    * ser extraño para = be alien to.
    * ser extremadamente + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * ser fácil = be easy.
    * ser fácil de conseguir = be readily available.
    * ser facilísimo = be a snap, be a piece of cake.
    * ser factible de = be amenable to.
    * ser familiar = strike + familiar chords, ring + a bell.
    * ser famoso = gain + recognition, be popular.
    * ser famoso por = famously, have + a track record of.
    * ser favorable = be a plus.
    * ser ficticio = be fiction.
    * ser fiel a = cleave to.
    * ser fructífero = come to + fruition.
    * ser goloso = have + a sweet tooth.
    * ser grosero con = be abusive of.
    * ser hábil para = be adroit at.
    * ser habitual = be customary.
    * ser harina de otro costal = be a different kettle of fish.
    * ser hipertenso = be hyper.
    * ser hora de = it + be + time to/for.
    * ser hora de definirse = time to climb off the fence.
    * ser hora de irse = be time to go.
    * ser hora de marcharse = be time to go.
    * ser hora ya de que = be about time (that), be high time (that/to/for).
    * ser humilde = hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel.
    * sería mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * ser ideal = suit + best, be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * ser ideal para Uno = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser idóneo para = be suited to.
    * ser ignorado = be unheeded.
    * ser igual a = be equivalent to, equal.
    * ser igual que = amount to + the same thing as.
    * ser ilegal = be against the law.
    * ser ilimitado = be boundless.
    * ser implacable = play + hardball.
    * ser imponente = be awe-inspiring.
    * ser importante = be of importance, make + a difference, be of consequence.
    * ser importantísimo = make + all the difference in the world, make + difference in the world.
    * ser importantísimo (para) = be central (to).
    * ser imposible = be dead meat.
    * ser imprescindible = be a must.
    * ser improcedente = be out of order.
    * ser imprudente = be reckless.
    * ser inalterable = set in + stone, set in + tablets of stone.
    * ser incapaz de = be unable to.
    * ser incoherente = Negativo + hold + water.
    * ser incompatible (con) = be irreconcilable (with).
    * ser inconsistente = Negativo + hold + water.
    * ser increíble = beggar + belief.
    * ser independiente = go + Posesivo + own way, stew in + Posesivo + own juice, stand on + Posesivo + own (two) feet.
    * ser indescriptible = beggar + description.
    * ser indispensable = be a must.
    * ser ineficaz = fire + blanks.
    * ser infundado = be unfounded.
    * ser inherente a = inhere in.
    * ser inimaginable = beggar + imagination.
    * ser inminente = be on the cards.
    * ser inmune a = be immune from, be immune against.
    * ser innovador = break + new ground, break + ground.
    * ser innumerable = be without number, be legion.
    * ser innumerables = run into + the thousands.
    * ser insignificante = pale into + insignificance, stick + Algo + on a pin-point, be of no consequence.
    * ser insignificante de = be slight in.
    * ser inteligente = be talented.
    * ser interesante = be of interest (to/for).
    * ser interesante + Infinitivo = be as well + Infinitivo, be well + Infinitivo.
    * ser interesante + Verbo = be neat to + Verbo.
    * ser interminable = there + be + no end to.
    * ser intransigente = play + hardball.
    * ser inútil = fire + blanks.
    * ser irrespetuoso con = disrespect, diss.
    * ser justo = play + fair.
    * ser justo con todos = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo hasta con el diablo = give the devil his due.
    * ser justo lo que se necesita = be just the thing, be just the ticket, be just the job.
    * ser justo lo que Uno necesita = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser justo que = there + be + justice in.
    * ser juzgado = stand + trial, stand for + trial.
    * ser la abreviatura de = be short for.
    * ser la base de = be at the core of, form + the basis of, be at the heart of.
    * ser la ciudad de = be home to.
    * ser la clave de = hold + the key to.
    * ser la comidilla del barrio = be the talk of the town.
    * ser la comidilla del pueblo = be the talk of the town.
    * ser la consecuencia de = follow from, result from.
    * ser la costumbre = be customary.
    * ser la cuestión = be the point.
    * ser la culminación de Algo = represent + the culmination of, mark + the culmination of.
    * ser la culpa de = be the fault of.
    * ser la debilidad de Alguien = be a sucker for.
    * ser la elección lógica = be a/the natural choice.
    * ser la elección natural = be a/the natural choice.
    * ser la excepción = be the exception.
    * ser la excepción a la regla = constitute + the exception to the rule.
    * ser la excepción que confirma la regla = be the exception rather than the rule.
    * ser la forma abreviada de = be short for.
    * ser la forma de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la fórmula para = be a recipe for.
    * ser la gota que colma el vaso = bring + the situation to a head.
    * ser la idea central de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * ser la imagen de = be a picture of.
    * ser la intención = be the intention.
    * ser la intención de uno = be + Posesivo + intention.
    * ser la manera de = be a recipe for.
    * ser la materia prima de = be grist to + Posesivo + mill.
    * ser la mayoría = be in the majority.
    * ser la mejor alternativa = be the best bet.
    * ser la mejor manera de = be the conduit for.
    * ser lamentable = be a pity.
    * ser la minoría = be in the minority.
    * ser la norma = be the norm, be the rule, become + the norm.
    * ser la novedad = be on the scene.
    * ser la obra de = be the work of.
    * ser la persona ideal para = be the best placed to.
    * ser la persona más indicada para = be in a position to.
    * ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien = be of + Posesivo + own making.
    * ser la prueba de fuego de Algo = test + Nombre + to the limit.
    * ser la punta de lanza de = spearhead.
    * ser la razón de = lie at + the root of.
    * ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de = be the responsibility of.
    * ser la responsabilidad de Alguien + Infinitivo = it + lie with + Nombre/Pronombre + to + Infinitivo.
    * ser la última palabra = be all the rage.
    * ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo = be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo.
    * ser lector de una biblioteca = library membership.
    * ser lento = be slow off the mark, be slow off the blocks.
    * ser líder en = take + the lead in + Gerundio.
    * ser lo de Uno = be cut out for, be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo más parecido a = be as close as we come to.
    * ser lo mismo = be one and the same.
    * ser lo normal = be the order of the day.
    * ser lo principal de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * ser lo que a Uno le encanta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo que a Uno le gusta = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno le interesa = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley, be + Posesivo + cup of tea.
    * ser lo que a Uno le va = be (right) up + Posesivo + alley.
    * ser lo que a Uno más le gusta = be + Posesivo + big scene.
    * ser lo que nos espera = be the shape of things to come.
    * ser lo suficientemente + Adjetivo + como para = be + Adjetivo + enough to.
    * ser lo suficientemente comprensivo = go + far enough.
    * ser lo suficientemente conocido como para que = be sufficiently well known for.
    * serlo todo para todos = be all things to all men, be all things to all people.
    * ser lo último = be all the rage, be the pits.
    * ser lo último en = become + the next stop in.
    * ser lo último en lo que + pensar = be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind.
    * ser lo último que + ocurrir + a Alguien = be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind.
    * ser magnífico + Gerundio = be terrific at + Gerundio.
    * ser malo = be a joke, spell + bad news, make + poor + Nombre.
    * ser maravilloso = sound + great.
    * ser más astuto que = outfox, outwit, outsmart.
    * ser más interno = inner being.
    * ser más un + Nombre = be more of a + Nombre.
    * ser mayor = be older.
    * ser mejor en = be better at.
    * ser mejor que = be superior to, compare + favourably.
    * ser mejor que + Subjuntivo = better + Infinitivo.
    * ser menor = be less.
    * ser menos + Adjetivo = be less of a(n) + Nombre.
    * ser mínimo = be at a minimum.
    * ser mirado de forma extraña = get + some funny looks.
    * ser modesto = hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel.
    * ser molesto = be disturbing.
    * ser moroso = be in default.
    * ser motivador = be motivating.
    * ser motivo de preocupación = loom + large.
    * ser mucho = be a mouthful.
    * ser mucho más = be all the more.
    * ser mucho más que = be far more than.
    * ser muy aconsejable que = be well advised to.
    * ser muy alto = be metres high.
    * ser muy amigo de = be pally with.
    * ser muy antiguo = go ba

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    = Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión
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    ser ( conjugate ser) cópula
    1 ( seguido de adjetivos) to be
    ser expresses identity or nature as opposed to condition or state, which is normally conveyed by estar. The examples given below should be contrasted with those to be found in estar 1 cópula 1 es bajo/muy callado he's short/very quiet;

    es sorda de nacimiento she was born deaf;
    es inglés/católico he's English/(a) Catholic;
    era cierto it was true;
    sé bueno, estate quieto be a good boy and keep still;
    que seas muy feliz I hope you'll be very happy;

    (+ me/te/le etc)

    ver tb imposible, difícil etc
    2 ( hablando de estado civil) to be;

    es viuda she's a widow;
    ver tb estar 1 cópula 2
    3 (seguido de nombre, pronombre) to be;

    ábreme, soy yo open the door, it's me
    4 (con predicado introducido por `de'):

    soy de Córdoba I'm from Cordoba;
    es de los vecinos it belongs to the neighbors, it's the neighbors';
    no soy de aquí I'm not from around here
    5 (hipótesis, futuro):

    ¿será cierto? can it be true?
    verbo intransitivo

    b) (liter) ( en cuentos):

    érase una vez … once upon a time there was …

    a) (tener lugar, ocurrir):

    ¿dónde fue el accidente? where did the accident happen?

    ¿qué habrá sido de él? I wonder what happened to o what became of him;

    ¿qué es de Marisa? (fam) what's Marisa up to (these days)? (colloq);
    ¿qué va a ser de nosotros? what will become of us?
    3 ( sumar):
    ¿cuánto es (todo)? how much is that (altogether)?;

    son 3.000 pesos that'll be o that's 3,000 pesos;
    somos diez en total there are ten of us altogether
    4 (indicando finalidad, adecuación) ser para algo to be for sth;

    ( en locs)
    a no ser que (+ subj) unless;

    ¿cómo es eso? why is that?, how come? (colloq);
    como/cuando/donde sea: tengo que conseguir ese trabajo como sea I have to get that job no matter what;
    hazlo como sea, pero hazlo do it any way o however you want but get it done;
    el lunes o cuando sea next Monday or whenever;
    puedo dormir en el sillón o donde sea I can sleep in the armchair or wherever you like o anywhere you like;
    de ser así (frml) should this be so o the case (frml);
    ¡eso es! that's it!, that's right!;
    es que …: ¿es que no lo saben? do you mean to say they don't know?;
    es que no sé nadar the thing is I can't swim;
    lo que sea: cómete una manzana, o lo que sea have an apple or something;
    estoy dispuesta a hacer lo que sea I'm prepared to do whatever it takes;
    o sea: en febrero, o sea hace un mes in February, that is to say a month ago;
    o sea que no te interesa in other words, you're not interested;
    o sea que nunca lo descubriste so you never found out;
    (ya) sea …, (ya) sea … either …, or …;
    sea como sea at all costs;
    sea cuando sea whenever it is;
    sea donde sea no matter where;
    sea quien sea whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por … if it wasn't o weren't/hadn't been for …
    ( en el tiempo) to be;
    ¿qué fecha es hoy? what's the date today?, what's today's date;

    serían las cuatro cuando llegó it must have been (about) four (o'clock) when she arrived;
    ver tb v impers
    ser v impers to be;

    ser v aux ( en la voz pasiva) to be;
    fue construido en 1900 it was built in 1900
    ■ sustantivo masculino
    a) ( ente) being;

    ser humano/vivo human/living being

    b) (individuo, persona):

    2 ( naturaleza):

    I sustantivo masculino
    1 being: es un ser despreciable, he's despicable
    ser humano, human being
    ser vivo, living being
    2 (esencia) essence: eso forma parte de su ser, that is part of him
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (cualidad) to be: eres muy modesto, you are very modest
    2 (fecha) to be: hoy es lunes, today is Monday
    ya es la una, it's one o'clock
    3 (cantidad) eran unos cincuenta, there were about fifty people
    (al pagar) ¿cuánto es?, how much is it?
    son doscientas, it is two hundred pesetas
    Mat dos y tres son cinco, two and three make five
    4 (causa) aquella mujer fue su ruina, that woman was his ruin
    5 (oficio) to be a(n): Elvira es enfermera, Elvira is a nurse
    6 (pertenencia) esto es mío, that's mine
    es de Pedro, it is Pedro's
    7 (afiliación) to belong: es del partido, he's a member of the party
    es un chico del curso superior, he is a boy from the higher year
    8 (origen) es de Málaga, she is from Málaga
    ¿de dónde es esta fruta? where does this fruit come from?
    9 (composición, material) to be made of: este jersey no es de lana, this sweater is not (made of) wool
    10 ser de, (afinidad, comparación) lo que hizo fue de tontos, what she did was a foolish thing
    11 (existir) Madrid ya no es lo que era, Madrid isn't what it used to be
    12 (suceder) ¿qué fue de ella?, what became of her?
    13 (tener lugar) to be: esta tarde es el entierro, the funeral is this evening 14 ser para, (finalidad) to be for: es para pelar patatas, it's for peeling potatoes
    (adecuación, aptitud) no es una película para niños, the film is not suitable for children
    esta vida no es para ti, this kind of life is not for you
    15 (efecto) era para llorar, it was painful
    es (como) para darle una bofetada, it makes me want to slap his face
    no es para tomárselo a broma, it is no joke
    16 (auxiliar en pasiva) to be: fuimos rescatados por la patrulla de la Cruz Roja, we were rescued by the Red Cross patrol
    17 ser de (+ infinitivo) era de esperar que se marchase, it was to be expected that she would leave
    ♦ Locuciones: a no ser que, unless
    como sea, anyhow
    de no ser por..., had it not been for
    es más, furthermore
    es que..., it's just that...
    lo que sea, whatever
    o sea, that is (to say)
    sea como sea, in any case o be that as it may
    ser de lo que no hay, to be the limit
    ' ser' also found in these entries:
    - acceder
    - además
    - aficionada
    - aficionado
    - alardear
    - alcanzar
    - alimentar
    - alta
    - alto
    - ambicionar
    - antigüedad
    - aparición
    - arma
    - atinar
    - atorarse
    - aúpa
    - babear
    - básica
    - básico
    - bendición
    - caber
    - cacho
    - cada
    - cafetera
    - cafetero
    - calco
    - callo
    - canela
    - cansada
    - cansado
    - cantar
    - capaz
    - capirote
    - carácter
    - cardo
    - carne
    - carné
    - caso
    - cero
    - colarse
    - comida
    - comidilla
    - comido
    - conmigo
    - conquistador
    - conquistadora
    - contagiarse
    - contemplar
    - contienda
    - addicted
    - adjust
    - allow
    - allowance
    - ambition
    - amount to
    - anathema
    - anomaly
    - arduous
    - around
    - aspire
    - aware
    - bad
    - be
    - beating
    - being
    - belong
    - betray
    - big
    - bill
    - bind over
    - bird
    - booby trap
    - boring
    - bounce
    - can
    - carry
    - catch up
    - cerebral
    - ceremonial
    - ceremony
    - charm
    - chip
    - claim
    - come into
    - come under
    - connoisseur
    - court
    - degree
    - deserve
    - destroy
    - differ
    - do
    - dodger
    - doubly
    - due
    - ear
    - easy
    - edit
    * * *
    ser The auxiliary verb ser is used with the past participle of a verb to form the passive (e.g. la película fue criticada the movie was criticized).
    v aux
    [para formar la voz pasiva] to be;
    fue visto por un testigo he was seen by a witness;
    la propuesta es debatida o [m5] está siendo debatida en el parlamento the proposal is being debated in parliament
    v copulativo
    1. [con adjetivos, sustantivos, pronombres] [indica cualidad, identidad, condición] to be;
    es alto/gracioso he's tall/funny;
    soy chileno/chiapaneco I'm Chilean/from Chiapas;
    es azul/difícil it's blue/difficult;
    sé discreta/paciente be discreet/patient;
    es un amigo/el dueño he's a friend/the owner;
    son unos amigos míos they're friends of mine;
    es el cartero/tu madre it's the postman o US mailman/your mother;
    soy yo, ábreme open up, it's me;
    soy Víctor [al teléfono] it's Víctor;
    la casa es aquella de ahí the house is that one over there;
    es un tipo muy simpático he's a very nice guy;
    ¿es eso verdad? is that true?;
    eso no es cierto that isn't true;
    es obvio que le gustas it's obvious that he likes you;
    no es necesario ir it isn't necessary to go;
    es posible que llueva it may rain;
    no está mal para ser de segunda mano it's not bad considering it's second-hand;
    no pierde sus derechos por ser inmigrante just because he's an immigrant doesn't mean he doesn't have any rights;
    te lo dejo en la mitad por ser tú seeing as o because it's you, I'll let you have it half-price;
    por ser usted, señora, 15 euros to you, madam, 15 euros;
    que seas muy feliz I wish you every happiness, I hope you'll be very happy;
    ¡será imbécil el tipo! the guy must be stupid!;
    este restaurante ya no es lo que era this restaurant isn't as good as it used to be o isn't what it used to be;
    RP Fam
    ser loco por algo to be wild about sth
    2. [con sustantivos, adjetivos] [indica empleo, dedicación, estado civil, religión] to be;
    soy abogado/actriz I'm a lawyer/an actress;
    son estudiantes they're students;
    para ser juez hay que trabajar mucho you have to work very hard to be o become a judge;
    es padre de tres hijos he's a father of three;
    es soltero/casado/divorciado he's single/married/divorced;
    era viuda she was a widow;
    son budistas/protestantes they are Buddhists/Protestants;
    el que fuera gobernador del estado the former governor of the state;
    Am Fam
    ¿tú eres o te haces? are you stupid or what?;
    RP Fam
    ¿vos sos o te hacés? are you stupid or what?
    3. [con "de"] [indica material, origen, propiedad]
    ser de [estar hecho de] to be made of;
    [provenir de] to be from; [pertenecer a] to belong to;
    un juguete que es todo de madera a completely wooden toy, a toy made completely of wood;
    ¿de dónde eres? where are you from?;
    estas pilas son de una linterna these batteries are from a torch;
    ¿es de usted este abrigo? is this coat yours?, does this coat belong to you?;
    los juguetes son de mi hijo the toys are my son's;
    portarse así es de cobardes only cowards behave like that, it's cowardly to behave like that
    4. [con "de"] [indica pertenencia a grupo]
    ser de [club, asociación, partido] to be a member of;
    ¿de qué equipo eres? [aficionado] which team o who do you support?;
    soy del Barcelona I support Barcelona;
    ser de los que… to be one of those people who…;
    ése es de los que están en huelga he is one of those on strike;
    no es de las que se asustan por cualquier cosa she's not one to get scared easily
    1. [ocurrir, tener lugar] to be;
    fue aquí it was here;
    ¿cuándo es la boda? when's the wedding?;
    la final era ayer the final was yesterday;
    ¿cómo fue lo de tu accidente? how did your accident happen?;
    ¿qué fue de aquel amigo tuyo? what happened to that friend of yours?;
    ¿qué es de Pablo? how's Pablo (getting on)?
    2. [constituir, consistir en] to be;
    fue un acierto que nos quedáramos en casa we were right to stay at home;
    lo importante es decidirse the important thing is to reach a decision;
    su ambición era dar la vuelta al mundo her ambition was to travel round the world;
    tratar así de mal a la gente es buscarse problemas treating people so badly is asking for trouble
    3. [con fechas, horas] to be;
    ¿qué (día) es hoy? what day is it today?, what's today?;
    hoy es jueves today's Thursday, it's Thursday today;
    ¿qué (fecha) es hoy? what's the date today?, what date is it today?;
    mañana será 15 de julio tomorrow (it) will be 15 July;
    ¿qué hora es? what time is it?, what's the time?;
    son las tres (de la tarde) it's three o'clock (in the afternoon), it's three (pm);
    serán o [m5] deben de ser las tres it must be three (o'clock)
    4. [con precios] to be;
    ¿cuánto es? how much is it?;
    son 300 pesos that'll be 300 pesos;
    ¿a cómo son esos tomates? how much are those tomatoes?
    5. [con cifras, en operaciones] to be;
    ellos eran unos 500 there were about 500 of them;
    11 por 100 son 1.100 11 times 100 is 1,100
    6. [servir, ser adecuado]
    ser para to be for;
    este trapo es para (limpiar) las ventanas this cloth is for (cleaning) the windows;
    este libro es para niños this book is for children;
    la ciudad no es para mí the city isn't for me
    7. [con "de" más infinitivo] [indica necesidad, posibilidad]
    es de desear que… it is to be hoped that…;
    era de esperar que pasara algo así it was to be expected that something like that would happen;
    es de suponer que aparecerá presumably, he'll turn up;
    es de temer cuando se enoja she's really scary when she gets angry
    8. [para recalcar, poner énfasis]
    ése es el que me lo contó he's the one who told me;
    lo que es a mí, no me llamaron they certainly didn't call me, they didn't call me, anyway;
    ¿es que ya no te acuerdas? don't you remember any more, then?, you mean you don't remember any more?
    9. [indica excusa, motivo]
    es que no me hacen caso but o the thing is they don't listen to me;
    es que no vine porque estaba enfermo the reason I didn't come is that I was ill, I didn't come because I was ill, you see;
    ¿cómo es que no te han avisado? how come they didn't tell you?
    10. Literario [existir]
    Platón, uno de los grandes sabios que en el mundo han sido Plato, one of the wisest men ever to walk this earth
    11. [en frases]
    a no ser que venga unless she comes;
    tengo que conseguirlo (sea) como sea I have to get it one way or another;
    hay que evitar (sea) como sea que se entere we have to prevent her from finding out at all costs o no matter what;
    hazlo cuando sea do it whenever;
    de no ser/haber sido por… if it weren't/hadn't been for…;
    de no ser por él no estaríamos vivos if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be alive;
    de no ser así otherwise;
    de ser así if that should happen;
    déjalo donde sea leave it anywhere o wherever;
    érase una vez, érase que se era once upon a time;
    dile lo que sea, da igual tell her anything o whatever, it doesn't make any difference;
    haré lo que sea para recuperar mi dinero I will do whatever it takes o anything to get my money back;
    se enfadó, y no era para menos she got angry, and not without reason;
    no sea que…, no vaya a ser que… in case…;
    la llamaré ahora no sea que luego me olvide I'll call her now in case I forget later;
    Estados Unidos y Japón, o sea, las dos economías mundiales más importantes the United States and Japan, that is to say o in other words, the two most important economies in the world;
    50 euros, o sea unas 8.300 pesetas 50 euros, that's about 8,300 pesetas;
    o sea que no quieres venir so you don't want to come then?;
    por si fuera poco as if that wasn't enough;
    habla con quien sea talk to anyone;
    sea quien sea no abras la puerta don't open the door, whoever it is;
    si no fuera/hubiera sido por… if it weren't/hadn't been for…;
    siendo que… seeing that o as…, given that…;
    siendo que tienes la plata, cómprate el vestido más caro seeing as o since you've got the money, buy yourself the more expensive dress
    v impersonal
    [indica tiempo] to be;
    es muy tarde it's rather late;
    era de noche/de día it was night/day
    1. [ente] being;
    seres de otro planeta beings from another planet
    ser humano human being;
    Ser Supremo Supreme Being;
    los seres vivos living things
    2. [persona] person;
    sus seres queridos his loved ones
    3. [existencia]
    mis padres me dieron el ser my parents gave me my life
    4. [esencia, naturaleza] being;
    la quiero con todo mi ser I love her with all my being o soul
    * * *
    f abr (= Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión) network of independent Spanish radio stations
    * * *
    ser {77} vi
    1) : to be
    él es mi hermano: he is my brother
    Camila es linda: Camila is pretty
    2) : to exist, to live
    ser, o no ser: to be or not to be
    3) : to take place, to occur
    el concierto es el domingo: the concert is on Sunday
    4) (used with expressions of time, date, season)
    son las diez: it's ten o'clock
    hoy es el 9: today's the 9th
    5) : to cost, to come to
    ¿cuánto es?: how much is it?
    6) (with the future tense) : to be able to be
    ¿será posible?: can it be possible?
    ser de : to come from
    somos de Managua: we're from Managua
    ser de : to belong to
    ese lápiz es de Juan: that's Juan's pencil
    es que : the thing is that
    es que no lo conozco: it's just that I don't know him
    ¡sea! : agreed!, all right!
    sea... sea : either... or
    la cuenta ha sido pagada: the bill has been paid
    él fue asesinado: he was murdered
    ser nm
    : being
    ser humano: human being
    * * *
    ser1 n (ente) being
    ser2 vb
    1. (en general) to be
    2. (estar hecho) to be made
    3. (pertenecer) to belong
    este libro es de María this book belongs to María / this book is María's

    Spanish-English dictionary > ser

  • 7 sense

    1. noun
    1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) sentido
    2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) sensación, sentido
    3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) sentido
    4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) sentido común, juicio, sensatez
    5) (a meaning (of a word).) significado
    6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) sentido

    2. verb
    (to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) sentir, percibir
    - senselessly
    - senselessness
    - senses
    - sixth sense

    sense1 n
    1. sentido
    the five senses are: hearing, sight, taste, touch and smell los cinco sentidos son: el oído, la vista, el gusto, el tacto y el olfato
    2. sentido común / juicio / sensatez
    don't be stupid, use your common sense no seas estúpido, usa tu sentido común
    sense2 vb notar / sentir / darse cuenta
    1 (faculty) sentido
    2 (feeling - of well-being, loss) sensación nombre femenino; (awareness, appreciation - of justice, duty) sentido
    3 (wisdom, judgement) sentido común, juicio, sensatez nombre femenino, tino
    4 (reason, purpose) sentido
    what's the sense in driving there? ¿qué sentido tiene conducir hasta allí?
    there's no sense in crying ¿de qué sirve llorar?
    5 (meaning - gen) sentido; (- of word) significado, acepción nombre femenino
    1 (feel, perceive) sentir, percibir, presentir, intuir; (apprehend, detect) percibir, darse cuenta de
    2 (machine) detectar
    in a sense hasta cierto punto, en cierto sentido
    in no sense de ninguna manera
    to be out of one's senses no estar en sus cabales
    to bring somebody to their senses hacer a alguien entrar en razón
    to come to one's senses recobrar el juicio
    to have a sense of occasion tener sentido de la ocasión
    to make sense (have clear meaning) tener sentido 2 (be sensible) ser razonable, ser sensato,-a
    to see sense entrar en razón
    to talk sense hablar con juicio
    sense organ órgano del sentido
    sense ['sɛnts] vt, sensed ; sensing : sentir
    he sensed danger: se dio cuenta del peligro
    1) meaning: sentido m, significado m
    2) : sentido m
    the sense of smell: el sentido del olfato
    to make sense : tener sentido
    sensitivo, -a adj.
    juicio s.m.
    mollera s.f.
    opinión s.f.
    sensación s.f.
    sentido s.m.
    testa s.f.
    detectar (Teléfono) v.
    percibir v.
    sentir v.
    sospechar v.

    I sens
    a) c ( physical faculty) sentido m

    the sense of hearing/smell/taste/touch — el (sentido del) oído/olfato/gusto/tacto

    to take leave of one's sensesperder* el juicio, volverse* loco

    a) ( impression) (no pl) sensación f

    I felt a sense of belonging/betrayal — me sentí aceptadoaicionado

    b) c u ( awareness) sentido m

    sense of direction/rhythm — sentido de la orientación/del ritmo

    sense of humorsentido m del humor

    3) u
    a) ( common sense) sentido m común

    she had the (good) sense to leave her phone numbertuvo la sensatez or el tino de dejar su número de teléfono

    I'm going to knock o beat some sense into him! — voy a hacerlo entrar en razón

    b) (point, value) sentido m
    4) c
    a) ( meaning) sentido m, significado m

    the different senses of the wordlas distintas acepciones or los distintos significados de la palabra

    b) (aspect, way)

    in a sense they're both correcten cierto modo or sentido ambos tienen razón

    it must in no sense be taken as the final offerno debe de ningún modo or de ninguna manera interpretarse como la oferta final

    a) ( be comprehensible) tener* sentido

    to make sense of something — entender* algo

    a) ( be aware of) sentir*, notar

    I sensed that they weren't very happysentí or intuí que no estaban muy contentos

    b) ( detect) ( Tech) detectar
    1. N
    1) (bodily) sentido m

    sense of hearing/smell/taste/touch — sentido m del oído/olfato/gusto/tacto

    sense of sightsentido m de la vista

    sixth sense — sexto sentido

    2) (=feeling) sensación f

    I was overcome by a sense of failureme invadió una sensación de fracaso

    I felt a terrible sense of guiltme invadió un tremendo sentimiento de culpa or culpabilidad

    I felt a terrible sense of losssentí un tremendo vacío

    have you no sense of shame? — ¿es que no tienes vergüenza?

    there is a sense of space in his paintings — sus cuadros transmiten una sensación de espacio

    I lost all sense of timeperdí la noción del tiempo

    3) (=good judgement) sentido m común

    to make sb see sense — hacer que algn entre en razón

    to talk sense — hablar con sentido común, hablar con juicio


    to make sense — (=be advisable) ser conveniente; (=be comprehensible, logical) tener sentido

    it doesn't make sense or it makes no sense — no tiene sentido

    to make sense of sth, I could make no sense of what he was saying — no entendía nada de lo que decía, no podía sacar nada en claro de lo que decía

    5) (=point, use) sentido m

    what's the sense of having another meeting? — ¿qué sentido tiene celebrar otra reunión?

    6) senses (=sanity)

    I hope this warning will bring him to his senses — espero que esta advertencia le haga entrar en razón

    to come to one's senses — entrar en razón

    no-one in his right senses would do that — nadie (que esté) en su sano juicio haría eso

    have you taken leave of your senses? — ¿has perdido el juicio?

    7) (=meaning) (gen) sentido m ; (in dictionary) acepción f, significado m

    in what sense are you using the word? — ¿qué significado le das a la palabra?

    in a sense — en cierto modo

    in every sense (of the word) — en todos los sentidos (de la palabra)

    in the full sense of that word — en toda la extensión de la palabra

    in no sense can it be said that... — de ninguna manera se puede decir que...

    in one sense — en cierto modo

    in the strict/ true sense of the word — en el sentido estricto/en el verdadero sentido de la palabra

    8) (=awareness) sentido m

    she has very good business sense — tiene muy buen ojo para los negocios

    sense of directionsentido m de la orientación

    she has a strong sense of dutytiene un arraigado sentido del deber

    sense of humoursentido m del humor

    they have an exaggerated sense of their own importancese creen bastante más importantes de lo que son

    where's your sense of occasion?tienes que estar a la altura de las circunstancias or la ocasión

    we must keep a sense of proportion about this — no debemos darle a esto más importancia de la que tiene

    one must have some sense of right and wrong — uno tiene que tener cierta noción de lo que está bien y lo que está mal

    sense of self(señas fpl de) identidad f

    he has no sense of timinges de lo más inoportuno

    she needs to regain a sense of her own worthnecesita recuperar la confianza en sí misma

    9) (=opinion) opinión f

    what is your sense of the mood of the electorate? — ¿qué opinión le merece el clima que se respira entre el electorado?

    2. VT
    1) (=suspect, intuit) presentir

    he looked about him, sensing danger — miró a su alrededor, presintiendo peligro

    2) (=be conscious of) percibir
    3) (=realize) darse cuenta de

    sense organ Nórgano m sensorial

    * * *

    I [sens]
    a) c ( physical faculty) sentido m

    the sense of hearing/smell/taste/touch — el (sentido del) oído/olfato/gusto/tacto

    to take leave of one's sensesperder* el juicio, volverse* loco

    a) ( impression) (no pl) sensación f

    I felt a sense of belonging/betrayal — me sentí aceptado/traicionado

    b) c u ( awareness) sentido m

    sense of direction/rhythm — sentido de la orientación/del ritmo

    sense of humorsentido m del humor

    3) u
    a) ( common sense) sentido m común

    she had the (good) sense to leave her phone numbertuvo la sensatez or el tino de dejar su número de teléfono

    I'm going to knock o beat some sense into him! — voy a hacerlo entrar en razón

    b) (point, value) sentido m
    4) c
    a) ( meaning) sentido m, significado m

    the different senses of the wordlas distintas acepciones or los distintos significados de la palabra

    b) (aspect, way)

    in a sense they're both correcten cierto modo or sentido ambos tienen razón

    it must in no sense be taken as the final offerno debe de ningún modo or de ninguna manera interpretarse como la oferta final

    a) ( be comprehensible) tener* sentido

    to make sense of something — entender* algo

    a) ( be aware of) sentir*, notar

    I sensed that they weren't very happysentí or intuí que no estaban muy contentos

    b) ( detect) ( Tech) detectar

    English-spanish dictionary > sense

  • 8 Selbstwertgefühl

    n self-esteem; ein übertriebenes Selbstwertgefühl besitzen have an exaggerated opinion of oneself
    * * *
    feeling of one's own worth or value, self-esteem
    * * *
    nt [sense of] self-esteem
    * * *
    Selbstwertgefühl n self-esteem;
    ein übertriebenes Selbstwertgefühl besitzen have an exaggerated opinion of oneself

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Selbstwertgefühl

См. также в других словарях:

  • self-worth — n [U] the feeling that you deserve to be liked and respected →↑self esteem ▪ Work gave me a sense of dignity and self worth …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • self-worth — noun uncount the feeling that you are as important as other people and you deserve to be respected and treated well: Praise helps children develop a sense of self worth …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • self-worth — n. = SELF ESTEEM. * * * noun the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect it was beneath his dignity to cheat showed his true dignity when under pressure • Syn: ↑dignity, ↑self respect, ↑self regard • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • self-worth — N UNCOUNT Self worth is the feeling that you have good qualities and have achieved good things. Try not to link your sense of self worth to the opinions of others …   English dictionary

  • self-worth — UK / US noun [uncountable] the feeling that you are as important as other people and that you deserve to be respected and treated well Praise helps children develop a sense of self worth …   English dictionary

  • self-esteem — A feeling of self worth, self confidence, and self respect …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • Self-efficacy — is the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals. [Ormrod, J. E. (2006). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners (5th ed.), [http://wps.prenhall.com/chet ormrod edpsych 5/0,5159,1775072… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-esteem — In psychology, self esteem reflects a person s overall evaluation or appraisal of her or his own worth.Self esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, I am competent/incompetent ) and emotions (for example, triumph/, pride/shame). Behavior may… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-categorization theory — Self categorization theory, sometimes referred to as the social identity theory of the group, seeks to explain the assumptions that need to be made about psychological group formation in order to understand social categorization studies on… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-acceptance — is defined as affirmation or acceptance of self in spite of weaknesses or deficiencies.Although this term has been often understood in a common sense way, researchers have defined it formally in terms of positive and negative self concepts.… …   Wikipedia

  • self-doubt — n. lack of confidence in oneself, one s abilities, etc. * * * noun lack of self confidence • Syn: ↑diffidence, ↑self distrust • Ant: ↑confidence (for: ↑diffidence) • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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